пятница, 3 января 2020 г.


You can toggle your game mode freely, switch between creative, survival, and pvp modes within your plot. We offer many unique donator options on our website! EDawg creative, the most popular creative server ever, join today! With regular backups if you lose your progress it can be reset! Hacking If you are caught hacking anywhere, in any way, with a hacked client or otherwise, you will be banned. edawg878 server resource pack

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If you vote, you will gain access to all world edit commands within your plot boundaries! Hacking If you are caught hacking anywhere, in any way, with a hacked client or otherwise, tesource will be banned.

We offer many unique donator options on our website! With regular backups if you lose your progress it can be reset! Blue Green Purple Red.

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This behavior is strictly prohibited. You can toggle your game mode freely, switch between creative, survival, and pvp modes within your plot.

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Context does not matter. With a community of thousands of players, we're the largest creative server in existence. Roleplays which are centered around gore or are violent or inappropriate in nature There are plots which may contain theme related role play content.

Bullying If any attempt is made to harm or harass other people, deliberately, repeated over any time period with hostile nature, you will be banned. Server Advertising Advertising any server other than EDawg server may cause users to leave. We ban users which advertise alternate servers so that the community standards are upheld.

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Our moderators are 1 in the game, ensuring a safe time for all of our players! Plot protection system which keeps seever plots safe at all times.

EDawg IP | Vote | Server

Kickable or mutable offences: We don't want that with a community server. Obscene builds include but are not limited to adult themed clubs, alcoholic beverages, drugs, male or female genitalia, builds containing profanity, signs or books containing profanity. Our community doesn't end on our server, check out our forums for a continued community experience! Resoure allow for role play!

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If your build contains blatantly adult subject matter, you will eadwg878 banned. If your plot contains gore related content, in a distasteful way, is violent or inappropriate, you may be banned and your plot may be wiped. If you want to clear your plot, you can do so with just one command! Only you or people you allow to edit may edit your plot x block plots allow you the freedom you deserve, It's a huge space.


Due to this we can rollback any accidental grief instantly. We have systems in place to destroy spammers.

EDawg creative, the most popular creative server ever, join today! We have marriage commands and much more! Obscene builds All builds must be child friendly. Your progress will never be lost due to our state of the art backup system.

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